is performed by group "Pandora"

Un dia llegare con un disfraz
(Once I will come with the mask on my face,)
Distinto el color, la misma faz,
(The other feelings, the same appearence)
Te desarmare, ni cuenta te daras
(I will disarm you and wont account to you)
Para entregarte el corazon
(I just will give you my heart.)
Despacio te ire amando mas
(Gradually I will love you more and more)
Y te cuidare en el bien y el mal
(And I will protect you in grief and in joy)
El cielo te dare, tu abrigo yo sere
(I will give you the sky and will be your shelter)
A ti me entregare
(I give me up to you.)

La Usurpadora, esperando por tu amor
(La usurpadora is waiting for your love,)
La Usurpadora, me haces dano corazon
(La usurpadora , my heart hurts me so much,)
Descubre me, recuerda me
(Forgive me, remember me,)
La Usurpadora yo.
(I am la usurpadora.)

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