Fernando:"I have earned the glory of a joker"

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Now Fernando Colunga is playing the role of Manuel in a telenovel "Real Love"(Amor Real). He has moved in the 19th century, has grown long whiskers and speaks about his new "Real Love" with full clearness and in cheerful tone. Fernando was outside the vision of the chamber and spectators for a long time - 20 months, but now he is happy to return to the world of telenovels with his family - because the actors and the technicians of the broadcasting company "Televisa" are for him - his family with which he gets on perfectly.

My career of the actor began 15 years ago and from that time here, at the shootings I have gone through many very fine moments together with these remarkable people. They are for me - real family", - tells the actor widely smiling.

Fernando's Real Love

As well as in each family, in this also there are leaders, Fernando, for example, has earned the glory of a joker, who adores to amuse the environment, to rally everyone in work.

- You have a glory of a joker, do you know that?

- Me?.. It is impossible. I am simply uncapable for it(Laughs). To tell you the truth, I like to perceive everything with humour. At the shootings all of us are the family and for these years we have spent together a lot of time. I like to play jokes on them, always validly, certainly; so, it seems to me, a very pleasant atmosphere is created during the shootings.

With what Fernando does not joke, it is his work which he perceives very seriously. In this telenovel, he isn't only the main hero, but also one of the most complex characters.

"I perform the role of Manuel - one of the main heroes. And, though I have experience of participation in such telenovel (in "Alondra" the action also occurs in the 19th century), but all the same it is rather difficult. It is a challenge, because my hero, he is neither bad, nor good. He is a very strange mix, but very interesting, as well as life".

And though Fernando did not participate in the shootings for 20 months, he wasn't forgotten by the public.

- I thank God and, certainly, public which accepts my work not only in telenovels, but also at theatre and in comic programs. This is the most important for me.

- And how about the press?

- Certainly, thanks to it too. I don't treat press badly. If I am asked, I always give interviews, I never say "no". But I don't give interview to that who invents fables or asks me about very personal things. That's all. I think, that if you respect someone, he or she should answer to you with the same. And if we cannot respect each other the better is to stay in our houses separated.

Gerardo Perez Fonseca, Univision Online, the translation of Fernando Colunga Russian Site

Fernando Colunga Russian Site

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